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using Connected.Entities;
using Connected.Middleware;
using Connected.Validation;
using Logistics.Types.Warehouses;
namespace Logistics.Types.WarehouseLocations;
internal sealed class InsertWarehouseLocationValidation : MiddlewareComponent, IValidator<InsertWarehouseLocationArgs>
public InsertWarehouseLocationValidation(IWarehouseLocationCache cache, IWarehouseService warehouses)
Cache = cache;
Warehouses = warehouses;
private IWarehouseLocationCache Cache { get; }
private IWarehouseService Warehouses { get; }
public async Task Validate(InsertWarehouseLocationArgs args)
* Warehouse existence
if (await Warehouses.Select(args.Warehouse) is null)
throw ValidationExceptions.NotFound(nameof(args.Warehouse), args.Warehouse);
* Code is unique
if (await (from e in Cache where string.Equals(e.Code, args.Code, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select e).AsEntity() is not null)
throw ValidationExceptions.ValueExists(nameof(args.Code), args.Code);
* Check parent
if (args.Parent is not null)
var parent = await (from e in Cache where e.Id == args.Parent select e).AsEntity();
if (parent is null)
throw ValidationExceptions.NotFound(nameof(args.Parent), args.Parent);
* Parent and entity must be in the same warehouse.
if (parent.Warehouse != args.Warehouse)
throw ValidationExceptions.Mismatch(nameof(args.Warehouse), args.Warehouse);
internal sealed class UpdateWarehouseLocationValidation : MiddlewareComponent, IValidator<UpdateWarehouseLocationArgs>
public UpdateWarehouseLocationValidation(IWarehouseLocationCache cache)
Cache = cache;
private IWarehouseLocationCache Cache { get; }
public async Task Validate(UpdateWarehouseLocationArgs args)
if (await (from e in Cache where e.Id == args.Id select e).AsEntity() is not WarehouseLocation entity)
* Code is unique
if (await (from e in Cache where string.Equals(e.Code, args.Code, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && e.Id != args.Id select e).AsEntity() is not null)
throw ValidationExceptions.ValueExists(nameof(args.Code), args.Code);
* Check parent
if (args.Parent is not null)
var parent = await (from e in Cache where e.Id == args.Parent select e).AsEntity();
if (parent is null)
throw ValidationExceptions.NotFound(nameof(args.Parent), args.Parent);
* Parent and entity must be in the same warehouse.
if (parent.Warehouse != entity.Warehouse)
throw ValidationExceptions.Mismatch(nameof(args.Parent), args.Parent);
* nesting under self
if (parent.Id == args.Id)
throw ValidationExceptions.Mismatch(nameof(args.Parent), args.Parent);
var currentParent = await (from e in Cache where e.Id == parent.Parent select e).AsEntity();
while (currentParent is not null)
if (currentParent.Id == args.Id)
throw ValidationExceptions.Mismatch(nameof(args.Parent), args.Parent);
currentParent = await (from e in Cache where e.Id == currentParent.Parent select e).AsEntity();