using Connected.Middleware.Annotations;
using Connected.Notifications;
using Connected.Notifications.Events;
using Logistics.Documents.Receive;
using Logistics.Stock;
using Logistics.Types.Serials;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Logistics.Documents.Listeners;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the event listener to the <see cref="IReceivePostingDocumentService"/> Updated event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This middleware reacts when the item is inserted and updates the <see cref="IStockItem"/>.
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class PostingItemListener : EventListener<PrimaryKeyEventArgs<long>>
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="PostingItemListener"/>
/// </summary>
public PostingItemListener(ILogger<PostingItemListener> logger, IStockService stock, IReceivePostingDocumentService documents, ISerialService serials)
Logger = logger;
Stock = stock;
Documents = documents;
Serials = serials;
private ILogger<PostingItemListener> Logger { get; }
private IStockService Stock { get; }
private IReceivePostingDocumentService Documents { get; }
private ISerialService Serials { get; }
protected override async Task OnInvoke()
* Stage 1 is to prepare all data neede to perform operation
* Load posting item
if (await Documents.SelectItem(Arguments.Id) is not IReceivePostingItem item)
Logger.LogWarning("The IReceivePostingItem not found ({id}}.", Arguments.Id);
* Now load the serial number
if (await Serials.Select(item.Serial) is not ISerial serial)
Logger.LogWarning("The ISerial not found ({id}}.", item.Serial);
* Now load the serial number
if (await Documents.SelectPlannedItem(new SelectReceivePlannedItemArgs
Document = item.Document,
Entity = serial.Entity,
EntityId = serial.EntityId
}) is not ISerial plannedItem)
Logger.LogWarning("The IReceivePlannedItem not found ({entity}, {entityId}).", serial.Entity, serial.EntityId);
* The idea here is simple:
* update (increase) the stock for the specified item
* and posted quantity and update the statictics for
* the immediate parents.
await Stock.Update(new UpdateStockArgs
Location = item.Location,
Quantity = item.Quantity,
Serial = item.Serial
* Now update the planned item with posted quantity
await Documents.UpdatePlannedItem(new UpdateReceivePlannedItemArgs
Id = plannedItem.Id,
PostedQuantity = item.Quantity