using Connected.Data;
namespace Connected.Globalization.Languages;
/// Represents a language used by localization services in the environment.
/// In a multilanguage enviroments this entity defines a set of languages
/// supported by the environment. Language contains LCID which is used when
/// choosing which localization strings are loaded in the request.
/// Language is typically set by user's identity thus enabling environment
/// globalization.
public interface ILanguage : IPrimaryKey
/// The name of the language. This is a descriptive property and does
/// not have any special meaning when mapping globalization services.
string Name { get; }
/// The language status. If the language is
/// ignored even user has a language set to its identity.
Status Status { get; }
/// The locale id associated with a language. This value is used when a language
/// is set as a request language and is
/// set during the request pipeline.
int Lcid { get; }
/// A set of mapping strings used when the environment is resolving a language from a browser.
/// Browser sends supported languages and if identity is not set en evrionment tries to resolve
/// a correct language via this property. Use ',' delimiter when setting multiple mappings.
string Mappings { get; }