using System.Globalization;
using Connected.Utilities;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
namespace Connected.Components;
public partial class Collapse : UIComponent
internal enum CollapseState
Entering, Entered, Exiting, Exited
internal double _height;
private bool _expanded, _isRendered, _updateHeight;
private ElementReference _wrapper;
internal CollapseState _state = CollapseState.Exited;
protected string Stylename =>
new StyleBuilder()
.AddStyle("max-height", MaxHeight.ToPx(), MaxHeight != null)
.AddStyle("height", "auto", _state == CollapseState.Entered)
.AddStyle("height", _height.ToPx(), _state is CollapseState.Entering or CollapseState.Exiting)
.AddStyle("animation-duration", $"{CalculatedAnimationDuration.ToString("#.##", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}s", _state == CollapseState.Entering)
protected string Classname =>
new CssBuilder("mud-collapse-container")
.AddClass($"mud-collapse-entering", _state == CollapseState.Entering)
.AddClass($"mud-collapse-entered", _state == CollapseState.Entered)
.AddClass($"mud-collapse-exiting", _state == CollapseState.Exiting)
/// If true, expands the panel, otherwise collapse it. Setting this prop enables control over the panel.
public bool Expanded
get => _expanded;
if (_expanded == value)
_expanded = value;
if (_isRendered)
_state = _expanded ? CollapseState.Entering : CollapseState.Exiting;
_ = UpdateHeight();
_updateHeight = true;
else if (_expanded)
_state = CollapseState.Entered;
_ = ExpandedChanged.InvokeAsync(_expanded);
/// Explicitly sets the height for the Collapse element to override the css default.
[Parameter] public int? MaxHeight { get; set; }
/// Child content of component.
[Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback OnAnimationEnd { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback ExpandedChanged { get; set; }
/// Modified Animation duration that scales with height parameter.
/// Basic implementation for now but should be a math formula to allow it to scale between 0.1s and 1s for the effect to be consistently smooth.
private double CalculatedAnimationDuration
if (MaxHeight != null)
if (MaxHeight <= 200) return 0.2;
else if (MaxHeight <= 600) return 0.4;
else if (MaxHeight <= 1400) return 0.6;
return 1;
return Math.Min(_height / 800.0, 1);
set { }
internal async Task UpdateHeight()
_height = (await _wrapper.MudGetBoundingClientRectAsync())?.Height ?? 0;
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is JSDisconnectedException || ex is TaskCanceledException)
_height = 0;
if (MaxHeight != null && _height > MaxHeight)
_height = MaxHeight.Value;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
_isRendered = true;
await UpdateHeight();
else if (_updateHeight && _state is CollapseState.Entering or CollapseState.Exiting)
_updateHeight = false;
await UpdateHeight();
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
public void AnimationEnd()
if (_state == CollapseState.Entering)
_state = CollapseState.Entered;
else if (_state == CollapseState.Exiting)
_state = CollapseState.Exited;