//// Copyright (c) Steven Coco
//// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4087581/creating-a-c-sharp-color-from-hsl-values/4087601#4087601
//// Stripped and adapted by Meinrad Recheis and Benjamin Kappel for MudBlazor
using System.Globalization;
using Connected.Extensions;
namespace Connected.Utilities;
public enum ColorOutputFormats
/// Output will be starting with a # and include r,g and b but no alpha values. Example #ab2a3d
/// Output will be starting with a # and include r,g and b and alpha values. Example #ab2a3dff
/// Will output css like output for value. Example rgb(12,15,40)
/// Will output css like output for value with alpha. Example rgba(12,15,40,0.42)
/// Will output the color elements without any decorator and without alpha. Example 12,15,26
public class Color : IEquatable
#region Fields and Properties
private const double EPSILON = 0.000000000000001;
private byte[] _valuesAsByte;
public string Value => $"#{R:x2}{G:x2}{B:x2}{A:x2}";
public byte R => _valuesAsByte[0];
public byte G => _valuesAsByte[1];
public byte B => _valuesAsByte[2];
public byte A => _valuesAsByte[3];
public double APercentage => Math.Round((A / 255.0), 2);
public double H { get; private set; }
public double L { get; private set; }
public double S { get; private set; }
#region Constructor
public Color(double h, double s, double l, double a)
: this(h, s, l, (int)((a * 255.0).EnsureRange(255)))
public Color(double h, double s, double l, int a)
_valuesAsByte = new byte[4];
h = Math.Round(h.EnsureRange(360), 0);
s = Math.Round(s.EnsureRange(1), 2);
l = Math.Round(l.EnsureRange(1), 2);
a = a.EnsureRange(255);
// achromatic argb (gray scale)
if (Math.Abs(s) < EPSILON)
_valuesAsByte[0] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, (int)Math.Ceiling(l * 255D)));
_valuesAsByte[1] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, (int)Math.Ceiling(l * 255D)));
_valuesAsByte[2] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, (int)Math.Ceiling(l * 255D)));
_valuesAsByte[3] = (byte)a;
var q = l < .5D
? l * (1D + s)
: (l + s) - (l * s);
var p = (2D * l) - q;
var hk = h / 360D;
var T = new double[3];
T[0] = hk + (1D / 3D); // Tr
T[1] = hk; // Tb
T[2] = hk - (1D / 3D); // Tg
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (T[i] < 0D)
T[i] += 1D;
if (T[i] > 1D)
T[i] -= 1D;
if ((T[i] * 6D) < 1D)
T[i] = p + ((q - p) * 6D * T[i]);
else if ((T[i] * 2D) < 1)
T[i] = q;
else if ((T[i] * 3D) < 2)
T[i] = p + ((q - p) * ((2D / 3D) - T[i]) * 6D);
T[i] = p;
_valuesAsByte[0] = ((int)Math.Round(T[0] * 255D)).EnsureRangeToByte();
_valuesAsByte[1] = ((int)Math.Round(T[1] * 255D)).EnsureRangeToByte();
_valuesAsByte[2] = ((int)Math.Round(T[2] * 255D)).EnsureRangeToByte();
_valuesAsByte[3] = (byte)a;
H = Math.Round(h, 0);
S = Math.Round(s, 2);
L = Math.Round(l, 2);
public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
_valuesAsByte = new byte[4];
_valuesAsByte[0] = r;
_valuesAsByte[1] = g;
_valuesAsByte[2] = b;
_valuesAsByte[3] = a;
/// initialize a new MudColor with new RGB values but keeps the hue value from the color
/// R
/// G
/// B
/// Existing color to copy hue value from
public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b, Color color) : this(r, g, b, color.A)
H = color.H;
public Color(int r, int g, int b, double alpha) :
this(r, g, b, (byte)((alpha * 255.0).EnsureRange(255)))
public Color(int r, int g, int b, int alpha) :
this((byte)r.EnsureRange(255), (byte)g.EnsureRange(255), (byte)b.EnsureRange(255), (byte)alpha.EnsureRange(255))
public Color(string value)
value = value.Trim().ToLower();
if (value.StartsWith("rgba") == true)
var parts = SplitInputIntoParts(value);
if (parts.Length != 4)
throw new ArgumentException("invalid color format");
_valuesAsByte = new byte[]
(byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, 255 * double.Parse(parts[3],CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))),
else if (value.StartsWith("rgb") == true)
var parts = SplitInputIntoParts(value);
if (parts.Length != 3)
throw new ArgumentException("invalid color format");
_valuesAsByte = new byte[]
if (value.StartsWith("#"))
value = value.Substring(1);
switch (value.Length)
case 3:
value = new string(new char[8] { value[0], value[0], value[1], value[1], value[2], value[2], 'F', 'F' });
case 4:
value = new string(new char[8] { value[0], value[0], value[1], value[1], value[2], value[2], value[3], value[3] });
case 6:
value += "FF";
case 8:
throw new ArgumentException("not a valid color", nameof(value));
_valuesAsByte = new byte[]
#region Methods
private void CalculateHSL()
var h = 0D;
var s = 0D;
double l;
// normalize red, green, blue values
var r = R / 255D;
var g = G / 255D;
var b = B / 255D;
var max = Math.Max(r, Math.Max(g, b));
var min = Math.Min(r, Math.Min(g, b));
// hue
if (Math.Abs(max - min) < EPSILON)
h = 0D; // undefined
else if ((Math.Abs(max - r) < EPSILON)
&& (g >= b))
h = (60D * (g - b)) / (max - min);
else if ((Math.Abs(max - r) < EPSILON)
&& (g < b))
h = ((60D * (g - b)) / (max - min)) + 360D;
else if (Math.Abs(max - g) < EPSILON)
h = ((60D * (b - r)) / (max - min)) + 120D;
else if (Math.Abs(max - b) < EPSILON)
h = ((60D * (r - g)) / (max - min)) + 240D;
// luminance
l = (max + min) / 2D;
// saturation
if ((Math.Abs(l) < EPSILON)
|| (Math.Abs(max - min) < EPSILON))
s = 0D;
else if ((0D < l)
&& (l <= .5D))
s = (max - min) / (max + min);
else if (l > .5D)
s = (max - min) / (2D - (max + min)); //(max-min > 0)?
H = Math.Round(h.EnsureRange(360), 0);
S = Math.Round(s.EnsureRange(1), 2);
L = Math.Round(l.EnsureRange(1), 2);
public Color SetH(double h) => new(h, S, L, A);
public Color SetS(double s) => new(H, s, L, A);
public Color SetL(double l) => new(H, S, l, A);
public Color SetR(int r) => new(r, G, B, A);
public Color SetG(int g) => new(R, g, B, A);
public Color SetB(int b) => new(R, G, b, A);
public Color SetAlpha(int a) => new(R, G, B, a);
public Color SetAlpha(double a) => new(R, G, B, a);
public Color ChangeLightness(double amount) => new(H, S, Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, L + amount)), A);
public Color ColorLighten(double amount) => ChangeLightness(+amount);
public Color ColorDarken(double amount) => ChangeLightness(-amount);
public Color ColorRgbLighten() => ColorLighten(0.075);
public Color ColorRgbDarken() => ColorDarken(0.075);
#region Helper
private static string[] SplitInputIntoParts(string value)
var startIndex = value.IndexOf('(');
var lastIndex = value.LastIndexOf(')');
var subString = value[(startIndex + 1)..lastIndex];
var parts = subString.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
parts[i] = parts[i].Trim();
return parts;
private byte GetByteFromValuePart(string input, int index) => byte.Parse(new string(new char[] { input[index], input[index + 1] }), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
public bool HslChanged(Color value) => this.H != value.H || this.S != value.S || this.L != value.L;
#region operators and object members
public static implicit operator Color(string input) => new(input);
//public static implicit operator string(MudColor input) => input == null ? string.Empty : input.Value;
public static explicit operator string(Color color) => color == null ? string.Empty : color.Value;
public override string ToString() => ToString(ColorOutputFormats.HexA);
public string ToString(ColorOutputFormats format) => format switch
ColorOutputFormats.Hex => Value.Substring(0, 7),
ColorOutputFormats.HexA => Value,
ColorOutputFormats.RGB => $"rgb({R},{G},{B})",
ColorOutputFormats.RGBA => $"rgba({R},{G},{B},{(A / 255.0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})",
ColorOutputFormats.ColorElements => $"{R},{G},{B}",
_ => Value,
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is Color color && Equals(color);
public bool Equals(Color other)
if (ReferenceEquals(other, null) == true) { return false; }
_valuesAsByte[0] == other._valuesAsByte[0] &&
_valuesAsByte[1] == other._valuesAsByte[1] &&
_valuesAsByte[2] == other._valuesAsByte[2] &&
_valuesAsByte[3] == other._valuesAsByte[3];
public override int GetHashCode() => _valuesAsByte[0] + _valuesAsByte[1] + _valuesAsByte[2] + _valuesAsByte[3];
public static bool operator ==(Color lhs, Color rhs)
var lhsIsNull = ReferenceEquals(null, lhs);
var rhsIsNull = ReferenceEquals(null, rhs);
if (lhsIsNull == true && rhsIsNull == true)
return true;
if ((lhsIsNull || rhsIsNull) == true)
return false;
return lhs.Equals(rhs);
public static bool operator !=(Color lhs, Color rhs) => !(lhs == rhs);