using Connected.Annotations; using Connected.Extensions; using Connected.Utilities; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; namespace Connected.Components; public partial class Container : UIComponent { protected string Classname => new CssBuilder("container") .AddClass($"container-fixed", Fixed) .AddClass($"container-maxwidth-{MaxWidth.ToDescriptionString()}", !Fixed) .AddClass(Class) .Build(); /// /// Set the max-width to match the min-width of the current breakpoint. This is useful if you'd prefer to design for a fixed set of sizes instead of trying to accommodate a fully fluid viewport. It's fluid by default. /// [Parameter] [Category(CategoryTypes.Container.Behavior)] public bool Fixed { get; set; } = false; /// /// Determine the max-width of the container. The container width grows with the size of the screen. Set to false to disable maxWidth. /// [Parameter] [Category(CategoryTypes.Container.Behavior)] public MaxWidth MaxWidth { get; set; } = MaxWidth.Large; /// /// Child content of component. /// [Parameter] [Category(CategoryTypes.Container.Behavior)] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; } }