You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Connected;
using Connected.Entities;
using Connected.Entities.Storage;
using Connected.Notifications.Events;
using Connected.Security.Cryptography;
using Connected.Security.Identity;
using Connected.ServiceModel;
using Connected.Services;
namespace Common.Security.Identity;
internal sealed class QueryUsers : ServiceFunction<IDto, ImmutableList<IUser>?>
public QueryUsers(IUserCache cache)
Cache = cache;
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
protected override async Task<ImmutableList<IUser>?> OnInvoke()
return await (from dc in Cache select dc).AsEntities<IUser>();
internal sealed class SelectUser : ServiceFunction<PrimaryKeyArgs<int>, IUser?>
public SelectUser(IUserCache cache)
Cache = cache;
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
protected override async Task<IUser?> OnInvoke()
return await (from dc in Cache
where dc.Id == Arguments.Id
select dc).AsEntity();
/// <summary>
/// Resolves user by a specified criteria string
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ResolveUser : ServiceFunction<UserResolveArgs, IUser?>
public ResolveUser(IUserCache cache)
Cache = cache;
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
protected override async Task<IUser?> OnInvoke()
* First, try to resolve by login name
if (await (from dc in Cache where string.Equals(dc.LoginName, Arguments.Criteria, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select dc).AsEntity() is IUser user)
return user;
* Next, try by authentication token
if (Guid.TryParse(Arguments.Criteria, out Guid authenticationToken))
if (await (from dc in Cache where dc.AuthenticationToken == authenticationToken select dc).AsEntity() is IUser authUser)
return authUser;
* Next, try by email
if (Arguments.Criteria?.Contains('@') == true)
if (await (from dc in Cache where string.Equals(dc.Email, Arguments.Criteria, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select dc).AsEntity() is IUser emailUser)
return emailUser;
* Now by id
if (int.TryParse(Arguments.Criteria, out int id))
if (await (from dc in Cache where dc.Id == id select dc).AsEntity() is IUser idUser)
return idUser;
* Doesn't exist.
return null;
internal sealed class LookupUsers : ServiceFunction<PrimaryKeyListArgs<int>, ImmutableList<IUser>?>
public LookupUsers(IUserCache cache)
Cache = cache;
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
protected override async Task<ImmutableList<IUser>?> OnInvoke()
if (Arguments.IdList is null)
return default;
return await (from dc in Cache
where Arguments.IdList.Contains(dc.Id)
select dc).AsEntities<IUser>();
internal sealed class InsertUser : ServiceFunction<UserInsertArgs, int>
public InsertUser(IUserService userService, IUserCache cache, IStorageProvider storage, IEventService events)
UserService = userService;
Cache = cache;
Storage = storage;
Events = events;
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
private IStorageProvider Storage { get; }
private IEventService Events { get; }
private IUserService UserService { get; }
protected override async Task<int> OnInvoke()
if (Arguments.AsEntity<User>(State.New) is not User entity)
throw EntityExceptions.EntityCastException(Arguments.GetType(), typeof(User));
var result = await Storage.Open<User>().Update(entity);
return result.Id;
protected override async Task OnCommitted()
await Cache.Refresh(Result);
await Events.Enqueue(this, UserService, ServiceEvents.Inserted, Result);
internal sealed class DeleteUser : ServiceAction<PrimaryKeyArgs<int>>
public DeleteUser(IUserService userService, IStorageProvider storage, IUserCache cache, IEventService events)
UserService = userService;
Storage = storage;
Cache = cache;
Events = events;
private IUserService UserService { get; }
private IStorageProvider Storage { get; }
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
private IEventService Events { get; }
protected override async Task OnInvoke()
await Storage.Open<User>().Update(new User { Id = Arguments.Id, State = State.Deleted });
protected override async Task OnCommitted()
await Cache.Remove(Arguments.Id);
await Events.Enqueue(this, UserService, ServiceEvents.Deleted, Arguments.Id);
internal sealed class UpdateUser : ServiceAction<UserUpdateArgs>
public UpdateUser(IUserService userService, IUserCache cache, IStorageProvider storage, IEventService events)
UserService = userService;
Cache = cache;
Storage = storage;
Events = events;
private IUserService UserService { get; }
private IUserCache Cache { get; }
private IStorageProvider Storage { get; }
private IEventService Events { get; }
protected override async Task OnInvoke()
await Storage.Open<User>().Update(await Load(), Arguments, async () =>
await Cache.Refresh(Arguments.Id);
return await Load();
private async Task<User?> Load() => await (from dc in Cache where dc.Id == Arguments.Id select dc).AsEntity();
protected override async Task OnCommitted()
await Cache.Refresh(Arguments.Id);
await Events.Enqueue(this, UserService, ServiceEvents.Updated, Arguments.Id);
internal sealed class UserUpdatePassword : ServiceAction<UserPasswordArgs>
public UserUpdatePassword(IUserService userService, ICryptographyService cryptographyService, IStorageProvider storage, IUserCache cache, IEventService events)
UserService = userService;
CryptographyService = cryptographyService;
Storage = storage;
Cache = cache;
Events = events;
private IUserService UserService { get; }
private ICryptographyService CryptographyService { get; }
private IStorageProvider Storage { get; }
public IUserCache Cache { get; }
public IEventService Events { get; }
protected override async Task OnInvoke()
await Storage.Open<User>().Update(await Load(), Arguments, async () =>
await Cache.Refresh(Arguments.Id);
return await Load();
private async Task<User?> Load() => await (from dc in Cache where dc.Id == Arguments.Id select dc).AsEntity();
protected override async Task OnCommitted()
await Cache.Refresh(Arguments.Id);
await Events.Enqueue(this, UserService, ServiceEvents.Updated, Arguments.Id);